Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Email Issues (update)

update 4: Weds. 5/19. All email and registration services are available once again. Please contact me or make a post here if you see problems with the email.

update 3: Monday, 5/17. Mail service and registration will be retsored later this week. Several scripts related to email required improvements to resist spam attack. They are being tested now.

update 2: New user registrations also use the email server so they're also disabled. If you registered before the server was disabled but never received the confirmation email to authenticate your account, it will be sent out as soon as the server can be restored.

update 1: The server was disabled by the ISP because of spam being sent out through it. Trying now to figure out how the spam is getting in and plug the hole.

The email server is completely crashed now and won't restart. The server was compromised by spammers. We're working to fix it now. Updates will be posted here.


  1. This has nothing to do with email, but how do I get the images from the generator to a jpg file? I used to simply right click and save. Now I can't figure it out.

  2. Hi, Thanks for the post. Nothing has changed for saving an image. You can right-click on it and follow the context menu to save. You can also email the image to yourself by clicking on the email (envelope) button at the lower area of the toolbar.


  3. I did not receive a registration email toactivate my account. My email is jayneschwarz@aol.com.

  4. its not sending me the activation email

  5. Hi, Please email me the username and email that you used and I'll fix it for you.

    Also, please check your spam filter, etc. as other user accounts are being validated today without issues.

    My email is jeff - dot - orlando - at - gmail - dot - com


  6. Hello, I have been trying to download a font and cannot get it figured out, also, I create an image and it will not email itself to me. I greatly appreciate any help.

  7. Didn't register my email! Please help! My email is kiana_kovacevic@live.ca

  8. I have registered but didnt get the activation email... kreatifilham@yahoo.com
