Friday, June 26, 2009

Effects Library Returns

Click the button on the toolbar to access the ImageMagick effects library.

In the library you have access to a (growing) variety of user-configurable effects that can be used with your images. Feel free to try out different settings and combinations. I'll be adding additional effects on a regular basis and posting a notice about it here in the blog.

If you've used FIG in the past, you may know that this control once provided a wide-open editor to the ImageMagick installation that runs FIG. Unfortunately a few people abused it and FIG's accounts were all cancelled as a result of the exploit. The new version of the tool still provides access to settings for each effect but no longer allows direct command line enty.

The new servers where FIG resides allow much greater flexibility as to what features can be integrated into the site. You can look forward to some interesting new things in the near future.


  1. Hi Jeff,

    Font Image Generator is amazing. Not only am I a free font collector who loves working with fonts but I also have an interest in ImageMagick.

    I'm wondering if I can ask you to add raster to vector conversion to the ImageMagick Editor.



  2. Hi Diana, Thanks for the post. What an interesting idea. I'll see what can be done with it. FIG can handle SVG vetcor format to some degree (the freehand draw tool writes in vector then overlays a raster image when composed)

    There is an online vector drawing project called LithaPaint ( ) that may be useful for some elements.

    Before starting on this I have to finish up the current project which provides for individual users to keep favorites and also do font searches. So its probably several weeks out.

